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Depot Building

Author gfxposter
7-04-2024, 16:29
Depot Building
Throughout the day or night, the depot building is a hive of activity as all manner of goods and services start their journey to their final destination. This environment scene includes a detailed depot building with surrounding roads and grounds. All doors both internal and external are moveable, as well as many modular parts such as gates, roofs, fences, and lights. Two full-scene

Dark Basement

Author gfxposter
4-04-2024, 13:32
Dark Basement
Dark Basement consists of a dark environment with two atmospheres volumes are provided that contains different points of interest: the pool which has a dial to adjust the level of the water, a tunnel closed at the end by a fan (it can turn), in an opposite corner, which can be opened and finally debris props of all kinds to enhance the surface. The large canopy lets daylight pass, wall

Urban Development

Author gfxposter
2-04-2024, 13:40
Urban Development
Never a good time for a large construction project to move into your neighborhood, but if it has to happen I recommend this one. The Urban Development set is constructed of many props that you can mix and match and use with all your current sets. Everything you need with none of the noise, and dust... detours, dangerous machinery... pretty much all the good stuff non of the bad. No

Sci-Fi Rec Room

Author gfxposter
2-04-2024, 13:31
Sci-Fi Rec Room
SciFi Rec Room is a versatile and atmospheric science-fiction environment for your futuristic adventures. Includes volumetric coolant leak effect, dust particle effect, and a range of lighting options including day and night with 2 color options for the lighting.

Haunted Prison for Daz Studio

Author gfxposter
2-04-2024, 13:17
Haunted Prison for Daz Studio
It's time to go investigate paranormal activity in the Haunted Prison! This set contains: Prison with opening doors and dials to hide walls and ceiling Bed with dials to hide sheet, pillow and mattress Van with opening doors HQ Table HQ Chair Monitor Camera with dials to angle or hide 'night vision' light and tripod Spirit Box SLS Detector with dial to change screen EVP Recorder Light

Backstab Alley

Author gfxposter
2-04-2024, 12:43
Backstab Alley
Backstab Alley is a versatile environment for a huge variety of render styles. A narrow street between two storey buildings set in a medieval or fantasy town consisting of eight different buildings made up as separate props. Camera angles are a breeze to set up by hiding or removing individual props as desired. Most doors and windows open and behind each one is a small room to add to

Snow Terrain for DAZ

Author gfxposter
2-04-2024, 09:23
Snow Terrain for DAZ
This is a simple snow terrain with undulating slopes that fit well with the 380 degree panorama I have included. It is optional as you can use your own backdrop with the terrain object. It is good for quick renders without adding lighting and it is ideal for distant zooms because of its size. Located in Scenes/Shredder/Snow_Terrain

Epic Sci-Fi Starship Battle Kit

Author gfxposter
2-04-2024, 00:59
Epic Sci-Fi Starship Battle Kit
Every great Sci-Fi story has an epic fight scene in it, and with this Epic Sci-Fi Starship Battle Kit you can create some great looking starship battles. The Epic Sci-Fi Starship Battle Kit, is a collection of 6 different starships, 2 laser beams, an Sun prop, an explosion prop with Debris Or Sparks prop, and an Asteroid prop. Use all these items to create your epic starship battle

Dark Nightclub

Author gfxposter
1-04-2024, 23:28
Dark Nightclub
Dark Nightclub is a huge environment with a large hallway, 4 small rooms, 1 medium size room, 1 large dance floor and a dark basement. Each room is filled with props (tables, beverages, seats, speakers) and two of them also feature two aquariums. If you want to hide the basement's stairs, you can load the "pillar" translated prop which will cover its entrance with a large

Bamboo Watchtowers

Author gfxposter
1-04-2024, 21:02
Bamboo Watchtowers
Bamboo Watchtowers is a collection of 5 sturdy bamboo towers for Iray and 3Delight. Each tower features removable walls and adjustable doors and shutters where applicable, for added ease of use. Create historical scenes deep in the bamboo forests of Asia or exotic fantasy villages in far-off lands.

Asian Living and Dining Room

Author gfxposter
1-04-2024, 20:45
Asian Living and Dining Room
Asian Living and Dining Room represents a nice touch of different Asian countries. The Living area shows some love for the Koi fish. It also have wood accents for the TV rack, and leather touches for the Sofa. The dining shows a modernish type of accents with Asian picture frames.

Snow White Cottage

Author gfxposter
19-02-2024, 17:12
Snow White Cottage
The Snow White Cottage is perfect for those who love to outdoors. This adorable miniature house is made of white snow and features a dwarf miniature architecture. It's perfect for complex indoor or outdoor scenes and can be used as a cottage, house, or even a dwarf scene in an architectural complex.

Micro Apartment 2

Author gfxposter
19-02-2024, 15:46
Micro Apartment 2
Micro Apartment 2 offers a clean, modern, and sleek living space with an elegant and simple design. Discover how to make the most of limited space while still maintaining style and functionality in this micro apartment.