[Unity] Navmesh Path Draw v1.1.2

Author Alex
22-03-2023, 09:58
Navmesh Path Draw
Path draw from location to target destination using Unity's navmesh Extremely light and simple script that prints the navmesh path using Unity's default Navmesh components. Can be used in your game so the player follows to a specific destination whether it's a mission, point of interest or just a normal waypoint. The script offers a Path RecalculationTime option so you can manually

[Unity] Pixelate v1.04

Author Alex
21-03-2023, 15:41
Pixelate is an innovative way to Convert 3D Animation Into Pixel Art Sprite Sheets. Thanks to its proprietary 3D - 2D Shader System, Pixelate has the ability to Control Sprite Size, Animation Frame Rate, and React to 2D lighting in Real-time. Animate your characters more efficiently, and save time with an instant conversion speed from 3d animation to pixel art.

[Unity] InControl v1.8.9

Author Alex
21-03-2023, 15:15
Support engine version: 2019.4.40 or higher. InControl is a unified, cross-platform input manager for Unity that standardizes mappings for common controllers. Features: • Xbox 360, One and Series X controllers support • PS3, PS4 & PS5 controller support • Apple Game Controller / MFi controller support for iOS, tvOS and macOS • XInput controller support on Windows • OUYA, Amazon

[Unity] Simple Touch Control v1.1

Author Alex
21-03-2023, 12:51
Simple Touch Control
The main purpose of this Simple input touch Unity package is to provide a simple function to enhance the effectiveness of developers who would like to focus on their algorithm and core functions rather than spending time on mobile (iOS/Android) input and debug input Unity editor. We focus on SIMPLE, HELPFUL and EASE. Clean C# code and independent in order to integrate into your complex

[Unity] UI Advanced Mask v1.12

Author Alex
21-03-2023, 12:50
UI Advanced Mask
UI Advanced Mask is a plugin highly focused on UI masking. It’s designed to work with unity native uGUI system, but also able to work in 3d game world. Unity natively includes a UI mask feature, but it’s not perfect. It’s using cutoff and can’t have smooth edge or half transparent. Therefore i develop this ortho-projector-like UI mask plugin with ui pointer raycasting, so that we can

[Unity] Mesh Transformation v1.9

Author Alex
20-03-2023, 12:49
Mesh Transformation
With this tool, you can make animations such as: - transformation werewolf, - zombie, - mutant, - turning a person into an animal, - healing of injuries - Animate other items, such as a car - creating a dynamically mask in real time for a mutation or destruction of the body - creating BlendShapes to change the physique of characters.

[Unity] Low Poly Terrain - Polaris 2020 v2020.2.18

Author Alex
18-03-2023, 18:28
Low Poly Terrain - Polaris 2020
The complete solution for Low Poly Terrain creation you deserve! Continuing the success of Polaris V2, we proudly present to you, the Polaris 2020. Harness the power of the Burst Compiler, C# Job System and instanced rendering, as well as workflow revisited, it allows you to create a much larger and more stunning worlds. Polaris is a user friendly low poly terrain tool which help you

[Unity] XP Manager v1.8

Author Alex
18-03-2023, 17:47
XP Manager
Support engine version: 5.3.8 or higher. XP Manager is a Bar/Gauge/Value manager, it can be managed by curve or you can draw the progression manually. Also, it can be used for evolution controls, for example: Experience, Life, Strength, Mana, Defense, Attack Power, Resistance, Agility, Speed, Armor, etc. It is very simple! Just adjust the "XpManager" script as a component of

[Unity] 3D Field of View v1.1

Author Alex
18-03-2023, 17:41
3D Field of View
Support engine version: 2020.3.23 or higher. "3D Field of View" is an engine designed to allow sight in more than a flat plane. It is designed to be highly customizable, and easy to integrate with other projects. Included are different demos showing distinct usages of the system, For further support, you can contact the developer directly either through Discord or the Unity

[Unity] Kinematic 2D v2.4.1

Author Alex
18-03-2023, 17:23
Kinematic 2D
Kinematic 2D is a fully Kinematic (non-physics based) 2D Character controller solution that allows you to do the movement of your 2D character while handling collisions. Main Characteristics - It offers the functionalities the default Unity Character Controller offers and many more (steps and slopes handling, ground alignment, ground clamping, etc). - It was designed only for two

[Unity] Gravity Engine v11.1

Author Alex
16-03-2023, 17:52
Gravity Engine
Gravity Engine provides a complete toolkit for your space game physics. - add stars, planets and spaceships that interact via gravitational N-body or "on-rails" - design orbits by shape and see their paths in the editor and scene - manual orbit changes with clickable handles - orbit transfers/rendezvous from any orbit to any orbit - rocket engines with staging - model of

[Unity] Smooth Sync v3.41

Author Alex
15-03-2023, 10:51
Smooth Sync
Simple drop-in setup for Netcode for GameObjects, Mirror, PUN, PUN2, MLAPI, FishNet, and UNet. No coding required! Smooths Rigidbodies and Transforms over the network with ease. Just add the SmoothSync script to any game object and watch it be smoooooth. We aimed to improve NetworkTransform on all fronts. Smooth Sync is more configurable, uses less bandwidth, and gives you smoother and

[Unity] GoogleVR & GearVR Camera Setup v1.6

Author Alex
14-03-2023, 15:40
GoogleVR & GearVR Camera Setup
Developing for Mobile VR is great but porting between GoogleVR/Cardboard and GearVR can be time consuming! This asset allows you to easily switch the build target between Google VR and Gear VR with a single click. - Easily switch between GoogleVR and GearVR - Compatible with multiple scene games - Gaze Input System works for both platforms - Platform Dependent Compilation for GoogleVR

[Unity] VertExmotion Pro v1.10.2

Author Alex
14-03-2023, 15:24
VertExmotion Pro
VertExmotion is a shader based softbody system coupled with a procedural animation system. You can easily animate parts of your mesh like hair, cloths... within Unity editor! No need to add bones for everything! Very fast & easy to use! - Add a single component. - Paint what you want to animate! - Add sensors and set motion properties. - press play and enjoy!